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Google to stop supporting IE 9

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IE 9 Will Not be Supported by Google Anymore

Google AppsAlmost all of Google’s products and services require that you access them through your Internet browser. Because users have at least five browsers to choose from, you will see them access Googles Apps using one of these options. Some business users prefer to use Internet Explorer (IE). If this is the what you use in your company, pay attention. Google made a recent announcement that you should be aware of.

In early November, Google announced that they will be discontinuing support for users who access Google Apps on older versions of Internet Explorer (IE).

The announcement

The current version of IE is 11, which was introduced with the recent Windows 8.1 update. However, many companies that use IE are still using version 9, which came out in 2011. Google has announced that they will be ending support for IE 9.

What this means is that users of IE 9 may no longer be able to access the full versions of Google Apps. For example, instead of opening Gmail you will be redirected to the HTML (most basic) version, or calendars will be displayed in read-only mode, not allowing you to create or edit new entries.

This is an important development to respond to if your business hasn’t updated to newer versions of the IE browser. You could find yourself unable to access Google Apps, which could create problems, particularly if your company relies on them to operate on an everyday level.

What should I do?

If you are using an older version of IE, the first change you are going to have to make is to update your browser. When you log into a Google App you should see a message come up instructing you about the impending cessation of support and how you should go about upgrading.

Before you press the update button however, check with an IT partner or your IT department to ensure that the update can be installed with minimal or no problems. Most users should see little to no difference but there is always a chance of something not working, especially if you use older software.

It is recommended that you  find out if other computers in your company need to be updated too. If you are unsure as to what version of IE you are running you can find out by:

    1. Opening Internet Explorer.

  1. Pressing Ctrl+H and selecting About Internet Explorer.

To inform yourself about Google’s browser support policy check out this page here for more information. In general, Google supports the latest versions of Chrome, which automatically updates, and the current and previous major versions of FireFox and Safari. For IE, Google supports the three latest versions.

To learn more about Google Apps and services and how they can fit into your organization, or if you have questions about updating any software, please contact us today.

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Dash Riprock
CEO and senior technical writer for the LG Networks Inc. blog page