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Tips: Staying Healthy While at Work

How to Stay Healthy at Work Work safety and injury prevention – a common topic in all blue collar jobs….

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Sharpen your Focus, Get More Done

Multitasking has become common in the workplace. We often have our Web browsers using multiple tabs, switch between email, social…

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Two monitors are better than one

The number of hours worked by managers and employees, on average, has risen over the past 20 years. Are we…

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Turn your inbox into a productivity tool

Your Inbox is Your New Productivity Tool There’s a mythical status and goal that almost every user of the Internet…

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Webinars and your company. Part one.

Webinars One of the most tiring things for small business owners is attending seminars and presentations. While they often give…

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Webinars and your company-part two

In the last productivity article we discussed using webinars in your company. Webinars are a great way to train people…

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Remote workers unproductive? Fix it

Have you ever been sitting at your computer at work, buried up to your ears with somewhat trivial tasks and…

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Compress files with these 5 programs

“Please see attached” three words which have become synonymous with files attached to an email. Often, there is more than…

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Make your tech devices get along

Do you remember playing in the sandbox as a child? It was usually you and your friends having a ball…

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Technology can hurt productivity

Productivity is Suffering from Technology There is an ‘instant’ feeling to so much of what we do and expect to…

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To BCC, CC or To? Tis the question

You’ve probably been sending emails for the better part of the past 15 to 20 years. They have become an…

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2013 is almost here, time to buy tech

When is the best time to buy tech? That’s right, the first few months of a new year are a…

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