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How Technology Can Help With Your Businesses’ Onboarding Process

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Technology is essential for the efficient functioning of your business, no matter the field. Even traditionally-minded business people acknowledge the necessity of adopting technological advancements to remain competitive and provide optimal customer service.

Undoubtedly, technology influences nearly every facet of business operations. Nevertheless, numerous firms are yet to fully exploit the advantages of automation, particularly during the onboarding and offboarding stages.

The Role of Technology in Recruitment and Offboarding

Fluctuations in personnel are a regular occurrence across job roles. A seamless offboarding process enables a cordial separation. Furthermore, an efficient onboarding procedure for new staff members is essential. This procedure maintains ongoing productivity and reduces disruptions to the overall operational rhythm. Technology has the potential to significantly accelerate both these processes and facilitate smoother transitions.

The Onboarding Process

Prior to commencing their fresh employment, newly recruited employees usually invest a substantial amount of time completing HR paperwork, acquainting themselves with colleagues, and receiving training pertinent to their new position. These aspects collectively constitute integral components of the onboarding procedure. Technology significantly enhances the efficiency of these processes.

Paperless Forms

In modern times, many businesses still demand that newly employed individuals appear before their official work commencement to complete numerous HR documents, many of which involve repetitive information. This outdated practice is rather astonishing considering the simplicity of transitioning these forms to an online format, allowing new hires to complete them at their convenience. This can be achieved through their personal computers or mobile gadgets, and the auto-fill function can further expedite the process.

Virtual Introductions

Between commencing a fresh job and acclimating to a novel work atmosphere, a recently onboarded worker already confronts a considerable workload for their initial day of employment. Formal introductions are a component of this process, but it’s unrealistic to expect a new staff member to memorize all the names and faces of their colleagues in just one instance. A majority of companies nowadays favor digital introductions.

Rather than each individual personally approaching the new employee to greet and introduce themselves, they can create concise video introductions instead. These video introductions can be viewed by the new employee before their first day, allowing them to become acquainted with the individuals they’ll be collaborating with.

Technology Training

Online training offers numerous benefits compared to the conventional approach of classroom training, benefiting both newly onboarded employees and employers. Since each trainee possesses a distinct learning trajectory, assembling them into a single group doesn’t optimize their training experience. While certain individuals might prefer a swifter pace, others may opt to revisit prior subjects before progressing.

Online training grants everyone the liberty to learn according to their individual speed and preferences. This option underscores the suggestion that employers should leverage technology to their advantage, ensuring that new hires encounter the most optimal onboarding experience in this phase.

The Offboarding Process

To avoid any disturbances to the business operations or workflow, it is crucial to closely follow established procedures when an employee departs from their role due to factors such as passing away, resignation, or other circumstances.

Manual Offboarding

Numerous companies manage the offboarding process manually, often using methods such as sending emails and placing phone calls. However, this approach could pose risks if the organization isn’t stringent in enforcing its policies. Individuals who believe they’ve been unjustly let go might retain access to company accounts or sensitive information, potentially for unlawful intentions.

Offboarding Checklist

The sole method to avoid encountering these issues is by executing an exceptionally comprehensive procedure. When an employee departs, a substantial checklist of tasks must be meticulously managed. It is imperative to ensure the retrieval of all company assets, including laptops and mobile phones. Moreover, the former employee should cease to receive compensation beyond their final working day.

Automated Offboarding

Manual tasks related to offboarding can easily be overlooked. However, there’s no need for concern if you opt for a completely automated offboarding procedure. By automating this process, precision and uniformity are guaranteed. Furthermore, it aids in adhering to compliance standards and fulfilling legal prerequisites.

Experience the advantages of fully automated onboarding and offboarding by collaborating with the appropriate IT service provider, also referred to as Managed Service Providers.

For those seeking to harness the benefits of automated onboarding and offboarding, your Managed Service Provider can manage these tasks efficiently. If you’re considering a switch in your IT provider, let us know! We will oversee your onboarding and offboarding tasks, along with any other essential business processes you require.

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Joven Macaldo
Web developer and technical writer for the LG Networks Inc. blog page