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Physicians and Software

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Five ways to Bridge the Divide between Desktop and Mobile

Despite the popularity of mobile devices and software, 75 percent of physicians still use their desktops for practice management, according to a recent survey. Here’s why.

There aren’t enough specific apps. Physicians love their mobile devices, however their concern is that when it comes to health related software, there are only a small number of solutions that meet their specific needs. While there are fewer physician oriented apps and solutions than other professions, there are still some great quality apps available with more being produced as demand increases.

Physicians don’t have time to understand the offerings. Even when apps are available, physicians often don’t have the time to take to understand how to use the more advanced features of some offerings. Educating physicians about current mobile offerings can really get them interested in making the switch from a desktop to a mobile device.

Physicians need to see the value. To get physicians to use mobile devices instead of desktops, you have to show them what they can do better on a mobile device then a desktop. Speech recognition is a good starting point. Physicians often use cell phones to document charts; if an app on that cell phone recognizes speech, it’s a win-win.

Usability has improved—but physicians don’t know it. In the past, health-care apps were often cumbersome, but now they’ve improved and some, not all, physicians are starting to give it another go. To ensure the widest amount of buy-in, CIOs should focus on working with physicians who had a prior bad experience with mobile devices and apps.

A hybrid option isn’t available. It doesn’t have to be either-or. One of the biggest mistakes a CIO can make implementing a mobile strategy is requiring physicians to use only mobile devices. A more effective strategy is combining multiple devices. For example, physicians might dictate notes on a mobile device, but sign in and review those notes on a desktop.

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Dash Riprock
CEO and senior technical writer for the LG Networks Inc. blog page