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Seeing QR Codes, But Don’t Know What They Are?

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QR CodeAs smartphone technology continues to improve in terms of providing connectivity, it follows that your internet marketing strategies must be able to accommodate these advances.

One strategy you can employ is using QR codes, a simple and effective way to market yourself.

Smartphones are becoming more and more popular these days, as both hardware and software developers add features to phones and operating systems that make them much more appealing to potential buyers. And as smartphone technology continues to improve in terms of providing more connectivity to the user  not only through the mobile network but to the internet as well  it follows that your internet marketing strategies will need to incorporate the smartphone factor.

One simple strategy that you can employ is using QR Codes, or Quick Response Codes, which are simple 2D barcodes that can be scanned using a smartphone. Numerous scanning applications are available to read these barcodes, and once read the code will redirect the user to any link you set up. QR Codes are also fairly easy to create, making them a great on-the-fly strategy if you want to market something quickly and easily. An additional strength of QR Code-driven marketing lies in the volume of people who use smartphones today  which gives you a large audience from the get go.

For such a small piece of code, there are countless options for how you can use them to your advantage. If you are interested in learning more about using QR Codes, give us a call and we can come up with several strategies that can cater to your specific needs.

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Dash Riprock
CEO and senior technical writer for the LG Networks Inc. blog page